Dear diary 1

The lady is off to work 👩‍💼and inside the flat is quiet except for the rustle of my breathing, the tapping of my fingers on my phone's keypad 📱as i write this and the sound of chickens pecking a metal bowl containing their feed🙄. There's a quip here and there from birds hanging around and coos by a pigeon. In essence, it is not really quiet around me but the noise is distant. It doesn't intrude into my thoughts. 🤔


Whenever the lady leaves for work, I miss her 💕 but it's also the time I do work. I read. I write. I listen to podcasts. I research. I chat with clients. I check my portfolio.💹 If I have some stables and a good alpha call, I stock up. I have not been doing much of posting. That is something I need to work on, I tell myself but my energy levels are low when it comes to long form writing especially fiction.
I am presently working on a poetry manuscript.✍️ It is taking longer to write because I am not submitting it anywhere. It might end up in a folder on my laptop. So I am taking my time.
I enjoy my solitude🏝️. It gives me perspective on life. I am not antisocial, I am not just good with people👥. I tend to clam up and get real anxious around crowds. I do go out but not enough and my lifestyle makes even difficult to do so. Most times, its the lady ❤️that makes me leave the flat.
In the evening, she will return and I will start talking again and laughing and the world 🌐 will be become bright. Then work stops and I become more visible to myself, seeing myself through her eyes 🕵️‍♂️and finding gratitude in life.

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