Getting back on track

in Reflections2 days ago


What happens when we often focus on just one point in our lives? We get off course from other things that are also part of us.

Recently, due to a greater personal commitment to one of my non-professional activities, which are not related to my profession, I ended up neglecting some of the most basic things.

A way of life also brought about by my marital status. Of course, this is no excuse. It's not because I'm not married or engaged, or because I don't have dependents or someone to live with me, that I've ended up in the situation I'm currently in.

Household chores, which are part of any home, should not have been neglected. What I ended up doing was sacrificing some of the most fundamental household chores over the course of weeks and months.

Making a weekly cleaning and tidying plan ends up creating habits and establishing routines that are very important. Of course, there's always room for tidying up again, but at what cost? At the cost of more time and energy. If I did it as a weekly task, I wouldn't see it as I do now, as a real sacrifice, because things have accumulated over the weeks and months...

Yesterday, when I woke up, I noticed that the marble on my bedroom windowsill is no longer as clear as it should be. And that's because I've simply been letting tasks that seemed almost superfluous go.

Everything has its price. I prioritised the tasks I'd been given and that I'd committed to completing, but I think it's time to take my foot off the gas and get back to ‘basics’.

Being able to be in a tidy home is fundamental to psychological well-being. We know that if we don't have tidiness around us, our minds don't flow as well, and ideas end up like the space around them.... They're there (the ideas), but just like objects, out of place...

Just the simple fact of not being able to find things can lead to increased inefficiency in completing simple tasks, invariably leading to inner disorganisation.

Tomorrow I still have a training session to give in the morning, but I'm planning to start tidying up the house and ideas in the afternoon. I'll need all my energy not to give up. I'm going to start with one room and try to get through cleaning and tidying that room or part of the house, and then move on to the next.

Let's see if I'm focussed enough. I don't see rules as a prison, but as a modulator of our determination and focus!


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