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RE: Visiting My Space

in Reflections2 days ago

I don't like "dual language" posts because they aren't a good way to communicate clearly. they are messy in my opinion and far, far too many of them look like they are all using the same template to create from. This makes them visually boring, no matter what the content is. Build a style for yourself.

Things, like community and rules of them evolve, and it is totally understood that if it your space, you want that users that use it make it accordantly with your rules. Fair enough. About the images, when I have a picture (original one) that somehow suits the theme of the reflection, I'll make an effort to use it, off course.


Of course it might just be me. I struggle with the flow when there is the distraction of other text there that I am meant to not pay attention to. It is similar when people use unusual fonts. It isn't dyslexia, but it is something similar since the stroke. It takes so much effort I will just skip reading all together and that is not what I want in my community :)

More then justified, my friend. I'm the one that has to recognize that this minor change in my posts might give me some advantage by trying to build the ideas in English, and afterwards use the spelling check just to avoid some gramatical errors. Thank you for keeping your "baby" (this community) pleasant for everyone :)