In the past, every town was filled with curious and creative kids - now we have to look globally to find them.
I totally agree in every point that you written about in your post. But this particular one is by far the one that mostly jumps in front of our eyes! Back in 1980's, when a I was a infant, parents would have to almost "drag" kid back home for dinner, or lunch... Nowadays parents have to literally "force" kids to get outside to physically interact with other kids, and to play in real life
You might not believe me, nor should you.
Go and collect your own evidence.
I've been doing the same "work" of looking for the causes of some things that we now consider "new world" problems
Funny isn't it? Parents would have to control their kids from being too creative with their time and getting up to mischief too.
New world problems... that we shouldn't have ever faced, let alone for as long as we have, and to the extent. And - it is only getting worse.