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RE: Fucked or not

in Reflections4 months ago

Its generally fucked... and sometimes you need something to be broken properly before it can be fixed.

The fact is that a lot of problems exist because everyone TOGETHER need to change at the same time. But because he over there is doing it, then I am not going to stop doing it.

In that way adults, communities, cultures and even whole countries behave very much like children on a playground.

The main thing that goes into decline for me and as a root of all other problems for the man on the ground is this: The reduction in the value of human labour hours.

We are not becoming the "Princes" of our universe. Our technology since the invention of the Steam Engine was meant to automate a lot of hand labour and therefore allow humanity in each society to focus on developing their brains and not be used as manual work donkeys.

But this has not happened. The cost of Rent and a meal vs the time a worker has to work for it is increasing. It does so for the poor and it does so for the blue collar class. The Middle Class that pays all the taxes. Those who are wealthy middle class sometimes need to downsize as they also feel the loss of importance of their time.

Can we put a value on human time?