I had planar fasciitis from jumping off ducting on the roof of a building to get around... did not realize what damage I was doing to myself until the next day.
That was a while ago.
There is something messed up with my Achilles tendons. Both get sore and swell up in the middle, especially the on in my left leg... I suppose I should go see a doctor...
Fucken plantar fasciitis man, driving me bonkers. Had it in my left back in 2016/17, now the right. I'm ready to cut the fucken foot off.
It's fucking painful I know. And then yes, I can't exactly just go for a run. I would mess it up worse!
I've been on my rower instead of running, need to keep active. Bloody foot is fucken killing me though.
If I drive for a half an hour, when I step out then I am limping all over the place. Especially when it is cold. Today is a cold and rainy day, but should be a mostly office-bound day... maybe? I am actually suspecting that I may need to go to a site but to inspect, not work.
I don't really have much exercise outside of work. Unfortunately, this includes walking.
Don't have a rower... hmmm... I can make one?
If we were race horses that'd have shot us long ago.
It's a great way to get a good all-over workout.
!LOL neigh! Not the bullet! I can run! I'm fine! 🤣