A rolling stone gathers no moss! I have always identified as way younger than I am and will be that way til I am gone or down and out I hope. What keeps me young now at my vintage is fighting trained martial artists a few times per week, along with a relatively active lifestyle. I do participate in waves and don't eat the best but those are tweaks we can always make and test our willpower to stick with it.
Inevitably, we all think we are immortal and time is infinite.....'til it is not. I know there will come a time where I will regret the sum of my decisions and habits when they manifest themselves into a real problem, which there will be no solution. What I will not regret is enjoying that cupcake in the moment, and work to turn that into motivation to be extra active and have a salad instead of some pizza.
Still, time WILL catch up to each of us and we will look back and wish we made different decisions. Hopefully it will be accompanied by a lack of regret for a life well lived.
I identify as extremely good looking.
Have you been doing the martial arts for a long time?
I think the trick is, to eat treats when there is a "reason" to eat, like spending time with friends and having a cake together, like I did last weekend. The killer is sitting alone in front of a screen, eating a cake.
I don't care much about dying, I just don't want to live the rest of my age in poor condition, unable to do much except sit.
I guess it has been over 10 years training brazilian jiu jitsu. More as a hobbyist than a hard core competitor.
Totally agree. It is all about the habits. When the cupcake is the exception to the rule, and the rule is not to have those, then those exceptions are taken care of by the rules. As long as exceptions don't become the rule.
Keeping yourself active and mobile will go a long way to being in decent condition so you must be doing it right!