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RE: 'O person in Savin, Juan STEEM Benjamin FRANKlin Bacon' ]-[ EX PARTY MULLIGAN

in QANON4 years ago

.......but who pays attention to street kids and their views on historical precedents when all they have is knowledge to share and no qualifications to make them look 'credible' in the eyes of sleepwalkers? :(

.....and the video's been removed from pooTube :( 2


Keep the flag flying bro, the unexpected and unforseen continue to appear on the stage to jolt folk into wakefulness and, perhaps, action. Patterns, not history, are repeated. Breakdown is also break-thruuuuuuuuuuuuuu.




... try this again...

lost the first set of comments due to gremlins... i think.

Monoftruth did the disappeared video. A 20 minute explanation of his meeting 107 the night before and getting signed coppies of his books. Good stuff... but the video came down I think because he was overwhelmed a bit with emotion.

his others are good and he's like a lot of us here in the states who are blowin in the wind right now waiting for that CHANGE.