What do East Asians like You think occured in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Selection?
Was Joe Biden a Fair Winner of that Selection, OR Did the United States UNDERMINE It's OWN Democracy?
Dear @frankbacon !
In the world I live in, most people don't know about the rumors that Joe Biden was elected through fraud.
They speculate that Trump lost to Biden in the 2020 US presidential election because he was a racist and stupid.
The common rumor among people around me is that Trump is a white supremacist and will discriminate against non-white people like me.
Some people argue that if Trump becomes president, he will first hand Ukraine over to Russian control.
I hope you understand my English, which is as rude and direct as that of my American elementary school student!
I don't know how American adults communicate in English with diplomatic and political manners now.😂
I have been looking for this conversation for many years.
I appreciate your English!
Joe Biden is a Fraud president and is THE Epotome of a "White Supremacist."
Donald Trump is very well loved and admired by the people of this country and the people both want and need him to be the president.
Unfortunately, the media has been manipulated for decades by evil (mockingbird media) and have been trying to cover up a REAL CIVIL WAR. The REAL War is not in Ukraine, which is a horrible affair in itself. The real war has been going on here in America since 2016 when Brexit happended and Donald Trump beat Hilary Clinton. Since then we have been fighting to get our country back from a very EVIL group of people that have been around for way too long.
Trump Should be Elected to Speaker of the House, and move into Nancy Pelosi's old office and run his reElection campaign from Washington. many people feel that this will happen.
There is STILL 1 year before the 2024 election...
-Highest Regards goldgrifin007
I actually agree with you on this matter, despite I am utterly confident Trump is just as corrupt and vile as Joe Biden. I pretty much sympathize with Trump voters on their goals and aspirations, just not on Trump, because I am aware of his training under Roy Cohn and Jeff Epstein, and what he has become as a result, and they're not.
The enemy of my enemy is just as much my enemy as the rest of my enemies are, sadly enough. Just because the Commies hate Trump doesn't make him my friend, even though I am an avowed anti-Communist.
Anyway, just wanted to make sure you were aware of my equal distrust of Trump and HRC, despite I am supportive of your aspirations seeking to MAGA and conserve our rights. I believe Trump will betray you all, and that he already has.
So, don't hate on the messenger if you hate my message, since it's intended to prevent you from being betrayed by an enemy pretending to be your friend.
number one, I'm an anarchist... and we've had conversations like this in the past, you and I... It's why I don't follow you frankly. But you get talked about by Ed every now and again so I respect you.
All I am saying is...
Donald Trump is very well loved and admired by the people of this country and the people both want and need him to be the president
I am an American Civilan, who writes on a message board, that OUGHT to mind it's own business and stop letting Trump Derrangement Syndrome (and it's many variations) define the space...
let things be weird customer. //
Just don't be surprised when you find out Roy Cohn's apprentice is running the show.
Look dude!
I write Scifi on a blockchain, that's all you need to know.
WTF would I have done without some "Brave Citizen" coming out of FUCKING Nowhere to explain how Trump Degangement Syndrome works?