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RE: Austin Steinbart - Vaccines

in QANON4 years ago

No thanks, dont want my DNA/RNA altered. May as well give them permission to make you a GMO and change everything about you. This is the wave of making humans into borg. Ill stay the way I was born and trust in natural medicine, technology isnt always the answer. Either way these vaccines shouldnt be pushed on anyone, it should be a choice and they want to force them on people. Ive heard of people doing the trials for the covid vaccines and its been shown that people lose their connection to god/source and family and many are becoming deathly ill from them. Not to mention Bill Gates pushing that they have nano chips and eugenics poisons and Birth control built into them. I dont trust medicine anymore. So they can take their vaccines and stuff it. Ill stick with mother nature and boost my immune system, the human body has the cure for every disease if we weren't being poisoned by the deep state/pharma. These vaccines are just a cop out to control/kill humanity... the great reset... 500k people globally... thats what they want.


I believe that a therapy like REGENERON will take the forfront of medicine. Vaccine science is completely BOGUS! And anyone pushing Needles as part of their agenda may THINK they are allowed but Consciously, the forcing of a Chemical Cocktail into your body constitutes HARM... So feel free to defend yourself from any Idiot that intends to do it to you.

YOUR Immune system is YOUR business!