Y como saben siempre estoy a la espera de sus comentarios que me brindan ayuda y aliento para seguir compartiendo con ustedes.
No pienso en todas las veces que he fracasado,
aunque tengo personas a mi alrededor
que insisten en recordármelo tan insistentemente
que se les ha vuelto un hábito.
Yo pienso, es en todas las veces que me he levantado
con la frente en alto y dejando lo malo en el pasado
conservando la experiencia
de todas esas piedras con las que me he tropezado.
No pienso que pasar la vida lamentándome diciendo:
¡si no hubiese hecho esto o aquello, algo distinto habría logrado!
sea bueno para mi bienestar emocional
o del que está a mi lado.
Yo pienso que deberíamos soltar, perdonar y continuar sin pensar tanto en ello,
ya que al hacerlo nos mantenemos estancado
y ya pasados los años nos damos cuenta
de que en nuestro camino nada hemos avanzado.
English Version
Hello my dear friends of @cervantes, I have been a little busy with school and day to day issues that have kept me a little away from my writing notebook, but today I will take a moment of calm to share with you a little bit of me, I hope you like it.
And as you know, I am always waiting for your comments that help and encourage me to continue sharing with you.
I don't think about all the times I have failed,
even though I have people around me
who insist on reminding me of it so insistently
that it has become a habit.
What I do think about is all the times I've stood up
with my head held high and leaving the bad things in the past
keeping the experience
of all those stones I've stumbled over.
I don't think I spend my life regretting saying:
If I had not done this or that, something different I would have achieved!
is good for my emotional well-being
or the one next to me.
I think we should let go, forgive and move on without thinking about it so much,
because in doing so we remain stagnant
and after a few years we realize
that we have made no progress on our path.
Amigos, gracias por acompañarme hasta acá en esta historia, espero poder compartir muchas más anécdotas y pensamientos, espero sus comentarios al respecto, de eso se trata ¿no?, de poder expresarse y compartir nuestras ideas.
Friends, thank you for joining me here in this story, I hope to be able to share many more anecdotes and thoughts, I look forward to your comments, that's what it's all about, isn't it, to be able to express ourselves and share our ideas.
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Deepl Translator
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