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RE: New Set of Rewards for the PKM:SPS Liquidity Pool

in PeakMonsters2 years ago

I was anticipating more than this, I think you may have started too late selling the DEC, since that token has fallen off a cliff.

Even though the current apr does not meet my once inflated expectations (was 3x the previous amount mentioned in a post by this team?), I am thinking now that it could be interesting to wait and see if a low apr would lower TVL 🤔

I feel like we don't have enough information and 'maximum tokens please' is not a satisfying answer for me, even though I am in the pool. I want PKM to build long term and part of that is going to be information seeking - this is the lowest apr for the pool so far! (as well as highest pkm to SPS ratio)


Yes was hard for everyone to balance the allure of the 180% apr on keeping the DEC and getting SPS with the selling of the DEC for SPS. We gained a TON of SPS for the reward pool because we kept the DEC but there is also that possibility that we would have gotten way more if we had just sold. #hindsight.

As for the TVL I haven't looked at the accounts contributing and who the big ballers are but I obviously bought a bunch and had relatives that did as well and it's not like we're going anywhere.

Also i mentioned to someone else that even when it was 80% people weren't talking about it much so I am not certain how much people are impacted by the APR ... i think perhaps there needs to be more promotion is my guess. Which i suppose i could work on.

Also the biggest success is that PKM itself has continued to rise in value over SPS and now down to 4 to 1.

But so far seems like one solid idea is to do 500k more PKM which will put us at 1M ... the pool itself considering all the pretty locked circulation can easily handle 1M more in ciruclation in the next 120 days. The airdrop of PKM actually has been on the low side (i guess the market isn't as hot as we expected probably because of the bad DEC prices making people not buy as much or buy a lot of low level cards and not getting a lot of bonus pkm)

In any case i should probably look to see what 500k more PKM would raise the APR to.

Yes, bad DEC prices means more DEC/burn value on the cards - good point!

Knowing updated apr estimates for the options would be interesting too!