Sounds interesting.
- I would probably be putting around 20,000-30,000 single bcx cards on the auto market. Would probably still list higher level cards individually.
- why not all 3? but DEC and yROA would be more useful to me.
- just a handful probably
- N/A
- maybe make it so cards listed by auto rental are rented out in a balanced way. Like if owner1 makes 50 available, owner2 30, and owner3 20, have it so if 10 cards are being rented, owner1 would have 5 rented out, owner2 3, and owner3 2.
OK so we list all 3 options but if you wanted to set a minimum as an owner which one would you choose? @fighter4-freedom @mattclarke ?
I'd prefer DEC, it's just easier to think primarily in DEC, instead of trying to convert prices all the time.
Minimum in USD, personally.