Configure Collection Power Rental
300 Collection Power per DEC means Rent .10 Dec per 30 Collection Power
150 Collection Power per DEC means Rent .10 Dec per 15 Collection Power
It depends on you Budget. (DEC)
It depends on you Budget. (DEC)
Min per card:
Rent a specific range of Collection Power:
Grant the Splinterlands 'Rental Authority' to PeakMonsters
Select a range of Collection Power (CP) and adjust as needed
Indicate a CP/DEC rate for rentals
They'll prioritize bids based on the lower CP/DEC, but multiple bids can be fulfilled at the same time
They will find cards at that rate or better (at or above that number)
They will help owners to simultaneously raise low rates and lower high rates
Any rental cancellations will begin to be re-filled 3 hours before the cards leave your account.
Just Rent Alpha/Promo Cards Manually
It is my very best suggestion. Although it is hard and time consuming, but you'll spend less much worth DEC.
Just think about 1000 DEC for 300,000 Rental Collection Power if you rent just Alpha/Promo Cards (common/regular foil) and applicable for BCX with the same amount.
Rent Beta/Reward(Solid Border) 1000 DEC = 150,000 Rental Collection Power (common/regular foil) and applicable for BCX with the same amount.
You can set up auto rent while renting manually for fast renting. And to fill up your Rental Collection Power Quickly.
Goodluck and Keep Grinding!