POLL - Unlocking of Splinterlands Soulbound cards

in PeakMonsters2 months ago

How many Soulbound cards do you still plan on unlocking?


We are considering creating the feature but probably not if people have either unlocked most of their cards already with the completely viable Splinterlands UI or if there is still lots of people interested or that are dreading unlocking them 1 by 1 but would rather do in bulk let us know.

It doesn't really benefit us at all and we're not promising to do it... BUT... if there are enough people we will be more likely


As of now, it's looking like I won't be unlocking any of my souldbound cards.

Thanks for sharing. Can you also cast your vote on the poll?

Yeah I did now, Earlier the poll wasn't working, it said to wait and try again.

Waited for 20 minutes xD it didn't show up, but now I see it an hour later.

Yep, small bug. Should hopefully be fixed now ☺️

yeah I'm in the same boat,mate. I spent 6 hours doing my spreadsheets and NO thank you I'm not going to unlock them for $10k.After 18 months grinding instead of reaching PAY DAY
I've to dig up deep down in my pocket.....again

Unlocked hundreds already, should unlock a bunch more.

Sales were lucrative, rentals should be good too.

Did you sell them privately or on the market?

Just put them on the market. Private sales are 🤢

Done my vote. Am not unlocking any.

I consider it ransom not being able to release the cards when I want to. And since all wild cards are already in ransom for playing I consider Splinterlands being near to death at the moment. Ransom is not o.k. and so I will not consent.

Thanks Peakmosters-Team for all you do!


Casted my vote!
I don't have any plan to unlock any card at the moment.