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RE: You know what’s weird? Being normal!

in Beauty & Brains4 years ago

If other points in time featured many weird people doing their weird things, and these people were in the majority of their societal units, they would actually be considered normal.

Hmmm very good question. And yes they would be considered normal because everyone is weird. But in our every day how many of us are truly being weird? I sleep with shirts worn by @ryzeonline and some would think that was weird but I like his smell. So I sleep with his clothes. But someone might take it to the next level and think what I do is normal. It's all subjective I think.

And you make a great point about movies and tv and even songs. Jay and I did a live on FB today and he made that point too. He said people love Nicki Minaj's voices in her music. It's weird and stands out because not many people are making funny noises in their songs. If we (and yes not us lol) look at what they like about their fave media, they would see it's the "weird" parts that stand out.

Thank you!!! great comment! ❤️❤️❤️