No, I do not want people like you or OP to buy Hive... and you never will, anyways.
If you had anything going on, you would not waste hours of your life over a 50 cent downvote. You also would not associate with people like OP.
Imagine what a crazy person like you would do if they had (hive) power - Yes, you would do the exact same thing as you are accusing me of: being a bully. Luckily, you and your friends are too unfocused and volatile to keep up a coherent thought or develop any form of work-attitude to make that happen.
Oh wait, I'm the crazy person because I don't queer bash and downvote people? If I wanted to, I could have your last three posts zeroed out in a nanosecond. But the thing is, some of us are not cunts. Some of us do not believe in acting like sociopaths. And it's so funny that you would bring up coherent thoughts seeing as how anyone who reads this entire thread starting from the post on down would realize that your ability to comprehend context is on a par with the memory of a fruit fly.
Yes, you are crazy and not in a cool, funny way. You are mad.
Thanks, If I ever want to be crazy in the
"cunty way,"
I'll be sure to come to you for your expertise. Perhaps I am mad, but that wouldn't change the fact that people like yourself are why your stake is at 30 cents per share when it could be so much more. I'm good with mad, as it's miles better than terminally ignorant. It's people like yourself who are the cancer of HIVE.Calling in your 'friends' did not work?
I am sure if you post another picture of Jigsaw or perhaps another movie psycho, they will see then how much of a positive person you are. Or: Maybe you should again threaten to summon a demon to tag my ass. I am sure that could help. People might see that you are the good guy, then.
I will not embarrass you any further and not flag your friend because of you. She dealt with it the right way.
I almost feel sorry for you. Your shit is all fucked up.
You are not your thoughts.
God loves you. Let go of your hate, forgive your parents.
It is not too late to repent.
LMFAO, everyone I tagged already knows how batshit crazy I am. I aimed to put you in the spotlight, homie. It's cute how your tune has changed. With all this newfound empathy you pulled out of your ass, it's almost as if you are distancing yourself from your previous responses. Suddenly your all Christian and shit, talking about: "God loves you, let go of your hate, and repent." Did I get wild and crazy? Yes. To be frank, I was drunk AF, still am. But you, Sir. You're a sociopath. I see you. And everyone else does now too, don't bank on the idea that people are as context blind as yourself. I'll repeat myself, people like you are the cancer of this platform. Fucking troll. I can't believe you conned some of these people into giving you witness votes back in the day.
I'll set up that witness again soon. Watch me ;)
I just did not want to keep going after you clearly lost. I felt bad for you, after none of your 'friends' did anything.
I thought I caught you in a moment of clarity, where you can see your wrong ways and might accept some advice.
But I can't help you.
So I read through all this.
The person who made the blog post mentioned some things about being bullied, and then you downvoted her claiming she is "hating".
Mind explaining how that makes sense?
Do it. The sole purpose of tagging them was
so they could observe your malignancy.
Done & done, your help is not required.