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RE: Skincare, Sluts, And Law Of Attraction Part THREE! - The Final Chapter!

in Beauty & Brains3 years ago (edited)

You know what’s beautiful. Your raw acceptance of yourself. EVERY girl out there could take a chapter from what you have written here Cyn. Honesty builds a beautiful thing called trust... and THAT is where true beauty comes from. It starts with the heart. Trust in yourself and self love. You got it girl!

And so I have to be honest here... I haven’t read this writeUP of yours... I only have had time for quick skim throughs lately.

But from everything I have caught from the quick look I made... I KNOW that this is worthy of my love and attention.

Unconditional acceptance from me my dear!

Bookmarked! ❤️



Oh Wil this is so lovely. Thank so much. It's taken me some time to get here and accept and love myself. I appreciate your words so very much.

I know you've been busy and I'm always grateful for skims, reads, or just support and love. You're amazing and thank you again. ❤️❤️❤️