
in Picture A Day5 years ago



Shutter Speed 1/125
Aperture F/13
ISO 1600
Camera Canon 600D
Lens Canon 18-55 kit lens

Captured this Image at Vijaya Vitala Temple in Hampi. Its just a simple carved wall, but what i like about this is contrast and the prominent difference light and darkness. That kind of makes Images special to me.You can see two small carvings on the left and right. I'm not sure what exactly it is as I dint really hire a Tour guide while I visted this place, But the one on the right looks like the Lord Garuda, The Vehicle of Lord Vishnu. Since Vitala, An Avatar of Lord Vishnu, is the Main Deity of the Temple, I feel even more strongly its Garuda. Now coming to the one on the left, One would normally guess that to be Lord Hanuman as he is Usually found right next to Garuda in Indian Temples as they both are the devoted servants of Lord Vishnu, But this one seems to have a face and breasts like a woman. So I think It must be Garuda's Wife.

All of these shots that I uploaded recently were from My trip to Hampi back in the 2015. Trust me , Had I known I would once write a blog about this Image while taking this Image, I would surely considered hiring a Guide.

Cartoon Art by @turtledance24