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RE: Picture a day : Blossom

Hello, I hope you're well!

Dropping by to see what's going on on your side of the universe. This is a lovely photo. Particularly liked the delicate posture of the flowers, as they exhale their aroma. And then I read they actually smell good, which isn't surprising by the look of them. Do you happen to know the name of this species? Out of curiosity.

Also, I find it an admirable quality when people can stop mid-buy (or even way before that) and analyze whether they actually need said item or not. Seems to me you've made the right call according to your goals. Be sure to reassess if needed, of course, just saying ;)

See you around!


Wikipedia says they are called "Spring snowflake's" weirdly, but they do blossom right after snow, new stuff every day :)
Wishing you a great weekend filled with positive energy!