Apollo Belvedere - Greek Antique Bronze Statue

in Picture A Daylast month

Hello friends, I hope everyone is well!

Todays photo I would like to share is this antique bronze statue of the Greek God, Apollo!

The original sculpture (full sized) was sculptured between 350 and 325 BC. attributed to the late classical sculptor Leochares, it is an incredible piece of artwork. I can only imagine the amount of effort that went into sculpting this magnificent piece by hand into solid marble. Seeing it up-close would be mind-blowing!

This is of course, a smaller bronze replica of said sculpture, Greek mythology has always fascinated me so owning a piece like this in the house is wonderful. It was quite costly too!

I'm sure we all know of the god Apollo and the stories behind his name, interesting fact is the original sculpture did not see him holding a bow. Unsure why this is a newer addition to art surrounding Apollo, some homework for another day!