Eighteen Years Young - Prince!

in Picture A Day18 hours ago


I just wanted to share my cat today, it's been an inactive few weeks again for me. I've lacked motivation to post on Hive and feel I don't have much to share worth-while recently, but it was my cats birthday not too long ago, he turned an incredible 18 years old.

I've had him since I was 12, he has basically been with me a huge majority of my life. I love the little guy a lot, he's the sweetest old man you will meet.

He's cosying up on my hand warmers in this picture as it's chilly over here in the UK and he loves to stay cosy and snug, any warm spot you will find him in sleeping. :D


Greetings @dubble ,

How very fortunate you are that Prince has been part of your life all of these years.

Please give my Happy Birthday wishes to Prince...

Kind Regards,
