
in Picture A Day3 months ago


About this photo

Rose-ringed parakeet in my backyard. These birds aren't indigenous for the Netherlands. They are originally from Africa or Asia, but escaped from captivity here. They manage to survive the cold Dutch winters and there are quite some of them now.
They look nice, but they do steal nests of indigenous birds and eat their eggs. They are also quite noisy when they fly around in groups.

About my picture a day:

I've been photographing for quite some years now. Not always very active and I'm still an amateur, but a passionate one. Over the past years I've used several different camera's and created thousands of photos. In these posts I'll share some of the best pictures from my archive and sometimes new material.

If you have any remarks or questions, feel free to share them in the comments 😊

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I'm crypto and security enthousiast with a passion for photography that likes to play games.
