Colonizing beauty

in Picture A Day2 days ago

I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but seeing how it used to play such an important role in the past simply bums me out when I see the lackadaisical way we treat object design nowadays. Here's a perfect example from a country I'm currently visiting. Why can't we have nice things like this?


Images by @litguru


Maybe some of the architect there in you country are already bored with the old design so they might go to something more simple. :)

Yes, North American and European architecture in general has undergone an evolution towards simple forms based on function and away from traditional forms of aesthetic beauty.

Did you know I love street lamps? I was delighted with this image, thank you!💗

I have taken a lot of such images of street lamps. They give this place a quaint ambience. More to come!

They fascinate me and I always take pictures of them! Yes, let there be more!