The Archeologists

in Picture A Day11 days ago

It's probably just my imagination, but these cats appeared to be having a solemn moment with that lion statuette. What do they think of this totemic family member that always stands guard? From the kitties' perspective, the lion looks bigger, fierce, and forever frozen in time. Isn't this similar to how we mythologize our heroes and enemies? Frozen in larger-than-life molds of symbolism. As far as I know, it's unknown if cats are capable of such symbolic thought, but after seeing this scene, I think there might be something to it.

Cats Lion Statuette.jpg

Images by @litguru


We don't know how they think. We think we do. But then there was a time very recently when we thought dogs couldn't see any color, and the mind is infinitely more difficult to understand than the physical body.

Cats are very clever and sometimes behave in ways that resemble our own behaviour. No wonder the Egyptians kept them around.

Definitely :) Plus they're usually so easy to live with

I think they recognise him as their giant!!!!

That's what I thought 😺