Trenutak dosade ~ A moment of boredom

in Picture A Day3 years ago
Kreneš tako sa društvom do grada, kafića ili već po dogovoru i u jednom trenutku kao da niste jedinstveni, kao da ste svi promenili planove. Jedan hoće da sednemo negde, drugi da đuskamo gde ima dobre muzike, trećeg baš briga pošto mu je dosadno, a četvrti čeka, čeka čija će se odluka prihvatiti i šta će biti dalje. Ne volim ovakve trenutke, smaraju me ljudi koji ne znaju šta žele.You go with the company to the city, cafes or by agreement, and at one point it is as if you are not unique, as if you have all changed your plans. One wants us to sit somewhere, the other wants to play where there is good music, the third really cares because I'm bored, and the fourth is waiting, waiting for whose decision will be accepted and what will happen next. I don't like moments like this, I get tired of people who don't know what they want.


iStock Photo by @marimari142

Engleski nije moj maternji jezik, pa se izvinjavam ako ima grešaka u kucanju. Nadam se da me razumete.Pozdrav dragi moji prijatelji, vaša Mari!English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are typos. I hope you understand me. Greetings dear my friends, your Mari!