Traditional Game | Expression

in Picture A Day5 years ago

Good evening, have a nice weekend with the people you love.

In the Picture a Day community tonight, I will share the joys of some children in filling the day by playing kites.


The Gayo Plateau seems to be entering the rainy season, the cold temperature is getting more pronounced in the afternoon, as well as the atmosphere of the sky which is always dark because of the black clouds that bring a collection of rainwater, the wind starts blowing a little harder, adding to the cold climate of the Gayo Highlands.

Some of the children used this climate change to expression their joy by playing kites in the rice fields, from a distance some children were running trotting to fly the kites they made of plastic material.


I also joined with the children, they competed with each other in playing kites, they could not see the burden on their innocent faces, there were just laughing happily watching their kites darting in the wind in the sky.


The joy of the children became even more unbearable when I asked them to take pictures, they made expressions while laughing and jumping, they didn't care about the grass and rice straw that could injure their feet.


I also feel happy watching the joy of these children in expressing their expression when playing kites, playing kites in the current era of technology, maybe it is very difficult for us to find them, because usually children like them are more interested in games using the sophistication of cellphones.


Not all children can enjoy this kite game, because many traditional games have been replaced with today's technological sophistication, and maybe playing kites can become a very rare game in the next 20 years.



The clouds began to cover the small hills surrounding the rice fields where the children were playing kites, should the wind still be blowing hard, the children decided to end the game, they started spinning the kite threads before the clouds poured rain on the rice fields.


The time will change to night, there is no longer any visible sunlight, from a distance you can see the rain starting to fall, the children have left the rice fields, I will also leave the rice field where I work to prepare for this season's rice planting.

That is my story today with the children of the Gayo highlands, their joy while playing while enjoying nature does not mean they forget technology, but a story that they will tell their future generations and children and grandchildren.

Thanks you.

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You are correct. This photograph is a memento of their childhood. How lovely. I loved to play with kites. The children look so happy and content. Also, one of your pictures of the beautiful clouds would be a fantastic candidate for the Love The Clouds Community contest. Thanks for sharing, and have a great weekend.

Thank you for reading this article, when will the contest start ..?

best regards from Gayo Highland.
succes for you.

check out @tobetada 's feed for the ongoing contest each week.