Hi HIVE Community,
Everyone knows that walking has a positive impact like an energy. On the walk around the housing complex, I found a BEACH SPIDER LILY on the side of the road. BEACH SPIDER LILY according to google, is a plant that usually grows in tropical countries and coincidentally one of the houses here planted around his house. The shape is like a lily flower and is white in color which can give it its own charm. Maybe because it was the afternoon, where the sunlight was not too bright and the air was cool in the evening, making me want to capture the BEACH SPIDER LILY. Semua orang tahu bahwa jalan kaki memberikan dampak yang positif seperti sebuah energi. Dalam perjalanan setapak mengitari komplek perumahan, aku menemukan BEACH SPIDER LILY di tepi jalan. BEACH SPIDER LILY menurut google, adalah tanaman yang biasanya tumbuh di negara beriklim tropis dan kebetulan salah satu rumah disini menanam disekitar rumahnya. Bentuknya yang seperti bunga Lily dan berwarna putih ini dapat memberikan daya tarik tersendiri. Mungkin karena sore hari, dimana cahaya matahari yang tidak terlalu terang dan udara sore hari yang sejuk, membuat saya ingin mengabadikan BEACH SPIDER LILY.