Asalam-o-Alikum:- (Hello),(Hi)
I hope you are all well and taking good care of your health. Alhamdulillah I am perfectly fine.
Today I want to talk about some toddler clay toys:-
These are the pictures from a few days ago when I step out of my house I see a bouncer come out with children's clay toys and you can see in the pictures he has quite a lot of clay. There were toys.
My uncle's son was also with me. When he saw the toy, he said, "Brother, take it to me."
I argued a lot with the free guy and got him some toys which I got at a reasonable price and then he got a comparison and we were very happy and my uncle's son who is my cousin. He was also very happy with these toys. He was very happy to see them. They were small and looked very beautiful.
I took this selfie when I was buying these toys from the dealer and you can see how awesome these toys look.
You can see the toys lying on the ready how beautiful they look and how many they are made of this clay, each one is different, like we are kitchen toys and these are children's toys. There are toys that make the child very happy.
When we took these toys home, everyone was very happy to see them and my uncle's son, who is very young, started playing with them when he went home because he liked them so much that the people next door did too. A few children later they hatched together.
In ancient times, the first vessels were made of clay, at that time they were used for eating and drinking, but now they are no longer used.
They are made only for children to play, if we see their designs even today they look very beautiful, this is how they were used in ancient times and even today if we see them, they are made in the same way. Looks fantastic.
Of course you will also like it and I request you all that we do not find any power in using ancient things but it gives us more benefits.