
in Picture A Day2 years ago



Happy start to the week, Colmena, today I give you this image, it is a photo that is about 10 years old but it brings back fond memories, this beach is called La Sabana on the coast of Venezuela, my country, it is in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, we were much closer Beyond those giant palm trees, I decided to leave the beach and look for another view so I walked towards the town and took this photo, that day I enjoyed not only the view of the sea but also another perspective that helped me to know that everything has many forms to understand each other Regards


Feliz inicio de semana Colmena, hoy les regalo esta imagen, es una foto que tiene unos 10 años pero que me trae gratos recuerdos, esta playa se llama La Sabana en las costas de Venezuela mi pais, es pleno mar Caribe, nos encontrabamos mucho mas alla de esas palmeras gigantes, decidi salir de la playa y buscar otra vista asi que camine hacia el pueblo y tome esta foto, ese dia disfrute no solo de la vista del mar sino de otra perspectiva que me ayudo a saber que todo tiene muchas formas de comprenderse. Saludos