Theological Delicacy.🤣🍰

in Picture A Daylast month



This cake is made with a fruit that is abundant in several countries in South America and other latitudes, and it is truly delicious; it is sour with an incredible sweetness; these two come together and give a unique characteristic flavor. Its smell is exaggeratedly tropical, and for those of us who are fortunate enough to be from the Caribbean, we can recognize that smell from miles away. It has several names: Maracuyá, parchita, flor de las cinco chagas, granaditas de china, and fruta de la pasión; this last name is a theological classification, so this cake is a theological delicacy. It depends on how you want to taste it. The truth is that when the Spanish arrived in America, they found there a family of plants unknown until that time whose flowers were very unique. They believed they saw the crucifixion of Christ reflected in them: from the coiled tendrils, similar to the whips used in flagellation, to the three pistils corresponding to the three nails of the cross, passing through the petals and sepals (in number equal to that of the apostles), its five stamens (the five stigmata or wounds), or the purple filaments (the crown of thorns) that adorn the flower. In their desire to baptize, classify, and almost purify, they gave it that name. The truth is that for those of us who have enjoyed this fruit, what we can see and feel is flavor, of home, of the Caribbean, of music; if you haven't tried it, do so; you will love it.