(ESP/ENG) Mis queridas mascotas / My dear pets

in Picture A Day2 years ago

Un día como otro, después de venir del colegio cansado de caminar y pensar, mis perras me reciben con amor pero se pelean por mi cariño, cuando yo quiero recibir su cariño, lo cual me entristece. Pero siempre me apoyan en los momentos mas apropiados.

One day like another, after coming home from school tired of walking and thinking, my dogs receive me with love but they fight for my affection, when I want to receive their affection, which saddens me. But they always support me at the most appropriate moments.


Hello new bee hiver , i like you come to join us, and i came by to see how your blogging is doing. This is your second blog and i can maybe give some more advice.
In the beginning its nesseccary to write and engage. So maybe its better to write more words.
Its just my two cents.
Good luck

Dogs are awesome :) How long have you had those two?