One Eid night in Naogaon, where my family comes from, I had a scary adventure. Eid is a special time when we have fun and play games. My village is in Naogaon, so one time on eid holiday a couple years back when I was kid, I went to my villages, so we were playing hide and seek on the night before eid with my cousins. The area was inside the whole village anywhere you could hide. Me, Tuba and two of my other cousins became the hiders who would hide and before I and Tuba could move, those two other cousins of mine took the best and most known place of hiding. We needed to find a new place to hide because all our usual spots were taken. We remembered a spooky, old house nobody ever goes to. Well, let me tell you about that house. It was a very old house on the furthest part of our home area which was used for storing unmilled rice a long time ago. But after many years of usage it was not in good shape and abandoned. I thought the most uncommon place to hide would be no other than that old house my grandma would tell stories about each night to us when we went to our village every year, although we did not care about that and thought to hide there. My grandma told us to stay away, but my cousin Tuba and I were too curious. Although it was forbidden at that time for little kids like us to go there, I along with Tuba, broke the rules and went to the best place for hiding or what we thought. Our heart was pounding really hard but we still approached the unknown with a racing heart. As I slowly opened the door to the first room of the house and it opened with that scary creak sound that you hear in the movies that old doors would make when opened, the sound was truly very sinister. Luckily no one was on that back part of the home area where that abandoned house was. Then, as we were venturing and went deeper, we did not make any noise, and it was so dark that night, we couldn't see anything. Tuba's sudden scream broke the silence and scared me. She felt a soft, unnatural touch on her head and screamed. My hand flew to her mouth quickly muffling the sound before it would let everyone know of our location, she said something soft touched her hair and as I moved it also touched me, i got scared for a split second, later I realized that it was nothing but some spider web, then our excited nerves were calmed.
Our eyes slowly adjusted to the darknex, and the silhouette of a shelf appeared in front of us. We could there was some kind of books upon books were arranged before us, as I moved more closer to the shelf to have a closer look, my leg kicked something solid. The resultant crush, sparked so much fear and sent us running into the night, our hearts racing with an adrenaline made by terror.
Then the next morning, we gained enough courage and went back. Then we discovered what we thought last night's books were in reality 100s of old magazines, things from the past collected by my mother.

This was my entry for the first ever Secondhand Finds' Contest. Everyone is welcome to participate in this awesome contest. Thank you for reading my blog.

photo taken on xiaomi

Hеy, I'm Niloy also u can call me nbats. I'm from Bangladеsh. I lovе rеading books whеnеvеr I gеt thе chancе. I’m a bookworm and a travеlеr, I likе to еxploring nеw placеs and culturеs. I also еnjoy travеling to nеw placеs and lеarning about diffеrеnt culturеs. I think еvеryonе has a uniquе story to sharе, and it's important to takе thе timе to listеn and lеarn from еach othеr.


This was a good story, and I am glad you were able to keep some of the magazines you found! I was a bookworm when I was younger, too. I still read a lot, but it's mostly online now! 😂
same here, internet killed my reading spirit
Oh, my reading spirit wasn't killed! I just read books on the screen now, instead of on paper. I still love reading and learning as much as ever! 🙂
Wow such a informative post! Keep doing the good work also I liked the magazines.
Thank you for stopping by to read my blog ☺️
a community encouraging first-hand content, and each individual living their best life.
I love second hand finds and books or magazines are a great way to learn more about our world. Great share and I say happy Easter 🐣
thank you so much ☺️❤️