
Nice! I am keen to see how we do over the year. I would think it could reach 8MWh in that time, but it may be less. Do many people near you have solar? It's quite common here. Some social housing organisations rolled it out on their properties.

I live in Houston, TX, which is a bit rainy. I wouldn't say it is very common, but in my neighborhood, among 30 houses, 3 of them have solar. That would give you an idea. However, that also based on the area of town you live in. West Texas is dry, so places like Austin and San Antonio have more solar than Houston.

Here is my set up


I know Texas is oil country, but if people can get basically free energy then they may be interested. We may get it wetter here, but there's still enough sunshine to be worth it. Solar is getting much more common here now.

I work for Big Oil. I am an exploration geologist. I find oil and gas for a living:)

Yet my home is basically off the grid, net year on average. I don't generate enough over the summer (Houston is very hot, A/C is expensive in terms of wattage), but mostly make up during the winter, as winter here is sunny, unlike UK.

My problem is I don't have enough south facing area on my roof. You can see above, I have only 8 panels facing south, they are more efficient. The west facing panels don't generate enough.