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RE: Half a year with solar

in Solar energy21 days ago

The Department of Energy states, "Your turbine needs to be sited upwind of any buildings and trees, and it needs to be 30 feet above anything within 300 feet." The height considerations could be challenging in urban areas.
Article for reference:

The article also states:

An off-grid, hybrid electric system may be practical for you if the items below describe your situation:
• You live in an area with average annual wind speed of at least 9 miles per hour (4.0 meters per second).
• A grid connection is not available or can only be made through an expensive extension.
• The cost of running a power line to a remote site to connect with the utility grid can be prohibitive.
• You would like to gain energy independence from the utility.
• You would like to generate clean power.

We have an area lower down the property where wind blows into a sort of channel. At times it is almost like a wind highway. Especially during the wintertime. I'm not sure how much wind we get on average. 9 miles per hour doesn't seem like a lot, but then again maybe it is. I guess I would need to put some sort of weather device down there to begin tracking what the average wind speed is to see if it meets the minimum wind requirements. Hmmm....


I would think in the US that living off grid would be more attractive as getting power to a remote property would be expensive. Get a few old Tesla batteries and charge them with wind/solar. There are various types of wind turbine and some may work with lower wind speeds. It is not something I have looked too deeply at.

Someone in our village has a small turbine in their garden, but I don't know what they use it for.
