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RE: My Solar Power Generation December 2024

in Solar energy29 days ago

Great to see the comparison. I tried using our batteries to provide power in the evening/night, but didn't like draining them down in the summer, when the risk of storm outage so high. I also wasn't sure the benefit here since we're not on the peak billing hours plan. It seemed a little over use on the batteries to drain them and pull power from grid to charge each day, vs. just leaving them charged and sending the power straight back to the grid (we get paid full price for power sent back up until a certain overage of use). Will have play around a little bit more with that now that the storm season over. Nice to see your stats for comparison.


Previously I was just charging the battery enough to keep us going until the sun came out, but now I can earn more for export than for charging it I may as well keep it topped up. Our system doesn't work if the power is out anyway.