I'd be happy generating around 500w/h of power cause that covers my minimum constant usage in this house.
That would save me almost £300 a year at just that.
Alas its a rented home and I doubt the landlord is up to paying for solar installations and I certainly can't afford to pay towards it atm.
My house averaged 3 times the electric useage of the average in the uk, since we're heavy computer users and are indoor all day, our gas useage on the other hand is well below average as we keep the house at around 18 degrees and wear cardigans all day.
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If you are renting then it's not easy unless you can persuade the landlord that solar is a good investment. Offering a house with lower bills ought to be good. Otherwise you need something standalone. With a smaller system then the inverter and other extras become a bigger part of the cost.
panels on his balcony so may have some suggestions.@louis88 has some