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RE: Festival olímpico em São Paulo

in HiveBR7 months ago


It's very easy to post. Hundreds of people use it everyday just fine. Let us know what problems and we can try help you out.

 7 months ago (edited) 

Sorry, it wasn't very easy to post. Every time I chose a photo, an error appeared, and then it wouldn't upload, and it even ended up in a sequence I didn't choose. I thought the experience was horrible the first time, but I wanted to try it a second time, and bingo: it only got worse. If it gets better, maybe I'll reconsider later. Thanks for replying. Hugs.

Hi @liketu,

I spoke with @jkatrina, and here’s what happened:

Initially, the pictures took a long time to upload, likely because the file size was too large. I suggested she edit the photos and try again.

After resizing, the pictures uploaded successfully. It seems like Liketu might need to resize images before or during the upload process.

Once the upload issue was resolved, she couldn’t post. She tried several times but kept getting unclear error messages.

I suspected the problem was due to low RC, so I delegated some additional HP to her. After that, the post went through, but the image sequence wasn’t the same as she had chosen, making the layout on Liketu’s frontend look a bit off.

The low RC error wasn’t clearly communicated, so it took some time to figure out.

She tried to edit the post without success, and even deleting the post didn’t work.

I explained to her that you’re working on improving the app, and I hope we’ll see some updates on the frontend soon because the Liketu app has great potential.

If you need more details for debugging, please let me know. I hope the description was clear, and sorry for any typos.

Best regards,

 7 months ago  

Você mesmo viu que não estava postando, inclusive tentou achar mais de uma alternativa, e não conseguiu solucionar. Não sei pq mudou os fatos, a narrativa é uma só: não funciona. E você não só viu, como concordou.

Sim, no final, ele nao estava mostrando que era problema de falta de HP. depois deleguei mais 50 HP para vc e postou.

Mas o Liketu tem que corrigir isso indicando uma mensagem melhor do que dar erro genérico e sem informações do porque do erro.

igual no upload de arquivos, ou nao subia ou nao postava e dava erro genérico de upload. sem informar o motivo, como por exemplo arquivo mto grande ou algo do tipo