Green estuary

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago

Hi everyone, meet me again, I hope you have a nice day. Today I will invite you to see a green estuary. Yes, I call it the green estuary because the estuary is full of mangrove plants. In fact, it's not just one variety, many varieties grow here, so the green impression is very pronounced. With the many varieties of mangroves here, the atmosphere is cool and calming, especially if we take a boat into this mangrove forest, it really feels like we are touring the forest Even if it's just a mangrove forest.At dusk the atmosphere of this mangrove forest is very noisy with the sound of egrets returning to their nests, yes here it also looks like a heron's palace hehehehe. Due to the large number of mangrove trees, this estuary has become a breeding ground for various aquatic biota, making it a place for traditional fishermen along the estuary. They depend on fishing for fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, oysters and various types of snails in this estuary.
But there is something that makes this estuary a little disturbed, look at the lot of rubbish that we can find here, So it will make the fishermen's work harder, because when rubbish gets caught or caught in their nets or nets, the rubbish has to be removed first.Often they even collect them and throw them on land




My message is, don't throw rubbish anywhere, especially into rivers, because Many of the biota that live in the river are threatened with sustainability, and this also affects humans .see you again in the next post, warm greetings (Abdillah)