Remember? Not so long ago it was summer. Again the forest and the amazing beauty of nature

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago


Remember friends? As it was just recently Summer.
And we spent time in nature with great pleasure.
Visiting the forest to get away from the city streets.
And in the photo it is the road to the forest, to nature.


And this is a pine forest where each of us loves to visit.
Tall and large pines that soared under the bluest sky.
And what is the air in this forest among the pines?
This is a real balm that is no longer in the city.


In summer, there is a lot of sun rays in the forest.
As soon as you enter the forest, you embrace beauty.
The amazing beauty of nature that is available to us.
Having been in the forest, you really don't want to leave.


Look - the beauty of tall pines is extraordinary.
Any of us just wants to lean against the trunk.
Which heals our soul from urban negatives.
And then you just need to be more in the forest.


In the photo - Birch forest, blue sky and clouds.
There were mushrooms in this forest this summer.
We collected a lot of boletus and other mushrooms.
For a photographer, this is great work and creativity.


Also, in a birch forest, you can just relax for all of us.
When you are in the forest, all problems disappear.
There is no city bustle, there is not even a headache.
You absorb all this beauty of nature and enjoy it.


There are many interesting things in the young pine forest.
Among the pines you find mushrooms, especially Butters.
But this pine forest is more overgrown with tall grass.
Therefore, it is easier for us to walk in a large pine forest.


In a more open space in a pine forest, we see such things.
A large pine tree that has grown at the edge of the forest.
She has such large branches in all directions from the trunk.
But not all pines have such an opportunity for growth.


Forest, glades, sun, sky and clouds - the beauty of nature.
The forest is mixed, where there are many pines and birches.
Such a beautiful summer picture of our nature, where we live.
And this is the South Urals in the Chelyabinsk region.


You can find such overgrown roads in this beautiful forest.
On which hunters and mushroom pickers go, apparently?
I have no other thought, because further there is a dead end.
Moreover, just behind this next sunny and attractive meadow.


A young birch forest where there are always mushrooms.
It is in such young birch forests that we collect them.
And sometimes so many bends can be assembled at once.
And in one place. Before that, I already did a post about this.


Among the birch forest, we see such a large pine tree.
Which is trying to outgrow the surrounding birch trees.
The forest in this place, as we can see, is large and high.
Soon the pine, I think, will catch up and overtake the birches.



And here Autumn has come to us, together with September. Whether we like it or not, this time of year inevitably comes, and always. I just want to say: Remember? That it was not so long ago, and Summer. Therefore, I would like to remind with my photographs the time when it was warm, sunny and pleasant for all of us. I have a great desire to show again the forest and the amazing beauty of nature. We quite often went to the forest to pick berries, mushrooms and Ivan tea leaves, from which I make my homemade tea every year. Summer was very hot this year, all three months (June, July and August) were sunny and hot. Sometimes the air temperature reached a level above + 36-45C. And in September, the air temperature dropped immediately to + 15-17C, although until the middle of the month it was + 23-25C. Now we have autumn and we need to prepare for the fact that winter will come after it. There have already been ground frosts once. But in autumn, nature always gives us its beauty. It's just that every season must be perceived as a phenomenon that will always be.

-original photo;
-first publication;
-camera Sony 16.2.
(Translated via Google translator from Russian)

Photos posted by me are clickable.
They can be viewed in large size by clicking on the photo.

Photos were taken with the size of 2592 x 1944 pixels.
For insertion into a post on Ecency and Hive, the size is reduced to 1280 x 960 points..
Photo taken - Sony 16.2 - 3x Zoom, Vario-Tessar lens.



Так Sony использовалась для съемки? Или это телефон?

Ну, это у меня походный фотоаппаратик, небольшой.
Но разрешимость у него хорошая или так сказать - желаемая, но не так высокая, конечно.
А желаю я другую Sony A7 III (беззеркалка) или что-то, примерно, такое?!