This walk was on Wednesday in early May, when the days had already become very warm and nature finally woke up from winter sleep ...
On Wednesdays, in the last academic year, I had lessons, excursions in nature, so I took my students and we went to the nearest park to observe nature.
We immediately went down to the gully, as there were vacationers everywhere, and there was nothing to look at ...
Almost immediately, we met our old friend)
We have met him many times already, and he always accompanied us on our adventures ...
(In one of the spring posts I wrote about him, he was lying there next to Hypholoma Fasciculare)
This dog came down with us to the very bottom to the local rocks.
I was surprised by the lack of water, usually a trickle flows with a stormy stream!
But perhaps this is for the best, since the funny shapes of the stones opened up to our eyes.
This instance reminds me very much of a pistol) even the trigger is present)
Other rocks, it was just interesting to see for the first time)
I noticed a lizard nearby, and decided to plant it on a bush to take a couple of pictures,
which is very difficult to do when it is on the ground)
And under my feet I found some large pheasant feathers,
and a small nest (definitely not a pheasant's :D)
And the idea was born instantly!)
As you can see, we made a tree house for the lizard)
It turned out to be easier to focus the camera, and in general, the pictures played with a completely different mood)
The children really liked this idea, but at first the lizard did not understand what they wanted from her)
But later she calmed down and settled in the nest)
While we were doing decorations and photography,
our old friend, all this time guarded us, gnawing a stick!
Only sometimes he raised his head to see what makes us laugh so much)
But suddenly he saw a mouse and rushed into the ravine and drove the poor animal under an old, fallen tree ...
It was then that I noticed the long-awaited find, Cerioporus Squamosus!
(I have made posts about this mushroom more than once, so we will not dwell on it)
And this mushroom was guarded by Jar Jar Binks from the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
If you don't believe me, take a closer look!
It was a wonderful walk that brought everyone a lot of pleasure, and after half a year, when I write this post, I again experienced all those emotions, perhaps even more than the first time!)
And that's all for today! Thanks for being with me!
Take care of yourself and your loved ones and see you soon!
Happy #WednesdayWalk