A beautiful ornamental plant. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hello my loyal and beloved friends, nature lovers. How are you? I wish you all the best and continued success. It's great to see you again in this post and share about nature. On this occasion I would like to share about an ornamental plant. This ornamental plant in my area is known as Hibiscus or with the scientific name Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.






This plant is a shrub that is widely distributed in East Asia. In general, the height of this plant is about 2 to 5 meters. The leaves are ovoid with tapered leaf tips. The flowers are trumpet-shaped with pistils that stick out. And the flowers can bloom facing down, to the side and up.

In general, this flower is mostly used as an ornamental plant. But in India, the flowers of this plant are used to shine shoes. In China, the flowers are used as food coloring. And in Indonesia, the flowers and leaves are used as traditional medicine.

That's a little bit about this beautiful ornamental plant. Hope it was useful and you liked it. I say goodbye, hopefully we can meet next time. Thank you for everything. Greetings from nature lovers.



I used to see this flower when I was a kid, but it's red, this is the first time I've seen it pink like this, they look so beautiful 😍

This flower has various types of colors that are scattered in my area. Starting from pink, dark red, white, purple, yellow to orange. Those are some of the colors I know, maybe there are other colors. And you are right, it is very beautiful. Thank you very much @lehanna