Es/En Venado caramerudo/caramel Deer

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

Hola apreciados amigos y seguidores de Hive, agradecida con Dios por estar una vez mas dandoles una nueva entrega de mis contenido espero que les sea de su agrado. Hoy les quiero comenta, que de salida para la casa de una amiga vi que tiene un animalito muy bonito, Dicha especie se encuentra seriamente fragmentada y esta en peligro de extincion un VENADO. Su nombre científico es odocoileus virginianus margaritae, ellos se encuentra distribuido en el Norte de Canada, Estados Unidos, Centro América, México, Norte de Suramérica y la Cordillera Andina hasta el oeste de Bolivia.Tiene el cuello delgado, la cabeza pequeña, sus orejas son largas, tiene un pelaje corto y fue liberado en el estado Anzoátegui.


Hello dear friends and followers of Hive, grateful to God for once again giving you a new installment of my content, I hope you like it. Today I want you to comment, that on my way out to a friend's house, I saw that she has a very nice little animal. This species is seriously fragmented and a DEER is in danger of extinction. Their scientific name is odocoileus virginianus margaritae, they are found in northern Canada, the United States, Central America, Mexico, North South America and the Andean Cordillera to western Bolivia. They have a thin neck, small head, and ears. they are long, have a short coat and were released in the Anzoátegui state.


Este hermoso venado proviene de la extensa familia de Cervidae, y tiene su habitat en los matorrales espinosos y bosques deciduos y semideciduos. Se alimentan de hojas, ramas, frutos silvestre, semillas de cultivos. Cuando las hembras se encuentran en celos, los machos luchan entre sí por ellas, enfrentandonse a sus contendores con su cornamenta para ganarse ese derecho. Las crías nacen después de 7 meses de gestación cuando comienza el invierno. Estos animales salen a la puesta del sol de 4:45 a 5:30 pm. Estan siempre alerta, atento al peligro, cuenta a los humanos dentro de sus enemigos más temidos. Su velocidad y saltos en la carrera es un espectáculo de la naturaleza.


This beautiful deer comes from the extensive family of Cervidae, and has its habitat in thorn scrub and deciduous and semi-deciduous forests. They feed on leaves, branches, wild fruits, and crop seeds. When the females are in jealousy, the males fight each other for them, confronting their contenders with their antlers to earn that right. The young are born after 7 months of gestation when winter begins. These animals come out at sunset from 4:45 to 5:30 pm. They are always alert, aware of danger, count the humans among their most feared enemies. His speed and jumps in the race is a spectacle of nature.

Gracias por permitirme compartir mis contenido no se les olvide comentar y votar, Dios los bendiga

Thank you for allowing me to share my content, do not forget to comment and vote, God bless you


We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

some things to improve and receive great votes later! place the source where you get the information is essential! Bibliographic references are not placed only if you were a researcher and worked with that species, and you still must have some history and publications! for the rest, everything must have bibliographic references! hugs we hope to see you here again!