Trip to Poland

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago

Last year, at the beginning of May, my friends and I went to eastern Poland for a few days of bird-watching. We spent three nights in a wooden house in the valley of the Narew River. We had a barbecue in the garden and were helped by a husky and three cats.

Both houses were for rent, but it was not clear from the offer which one we would be renting.

It was the wooden one and we had no regrets. In the evenings we fired up the barbecue on the veranda and enjoyed the comfort of been out of city.


There was a swamp in the fenced garden, and when the owner walked through the gate into the llama pen, he could go fishing.

I thought the llamas were so funny and one had a prosthetic leg instead of a leg. It's hard to see behind the mesh in the photo.

The scenery was beautiful, we saw many birds, moose, deer, fox...
I would like to describe the trip with observations and places, but I don't know if I will find the time.


To je takové to místo, kde člověk těžko odhadne, jestli je rok 1930, 1980, 2005 nebo (už) 2024 :))

My máme vyhlédnutý Banát, alespoň na deset dní. Jenže dokud se T. nenaučí o poznání lépe česky, neužije si to :)

Mají asfaltové cesty a Biedronku 😁 dokonce v jedné měli zaprášené zoufale opuštěné láhve výborného portugalského vína.

Kdyby se ti o tom chtělo napsat pořádný článek s 500+ slovy (v každém jazyce, bude-li vícejazyčný) a kopou fotek, v #pinmapple komunitě by za něj s trochou štěstí mohlo být 40-120 dolarů odměny ;)

Dík za tip.

Nice scenes :)

It's a nice place and I think we can also see beautiful views there.

Beautiful pictures 😍