If you spend some time with a Bee Hive you will get to understand why a very busy person is compared to a bee. I feel like a bee at the moment. Flitting frantically from one flower to another collecting and delivering. Never stopping. Constantly moving. Always busy. Seemingly moving randomly and somewhat desperately. Mostly feeling like so little is achieved. And yet! Ultimately the survival - and more than that - the thriving of so many is dependent on the constant busyness.
We half covered our dam with shade net. The purpose is two-fold. We need to protect the tilapia underneath as well as the hard working little honey bees who constantly stop at their favourite watering hole. Beekeepers have various methods of assisting the bees to drink - without drowning.
Did you know that bees choose very particular spots to drink water, generally mineral-rich and possibly also to do with salts.
It encourages me to watch the bees. I feel a lot like a bee. They are one of the most incredible insects. Indeed one of the most incredible of creatures. Their goal and purpose is singular. Nothing diverts them from their vision. Unless they feel their colony is threatened then they will sacrifice their lives in protecting those they love.
What a lovely post. As a philosopher, I would have loved to read more. But per the content of the post, you obviously did not have more time! I know the feeling so well. But like the bees, we survive the trials and tribulations of life. Even though we sometimes need a little help - like the netting.
As I wrote that title I had a chuckle remembering your post triggered by @edprivat not too long ago. I was imagining how differently you two would write a post if you had these photos of our bees at the watering hole ....
Isn't that the beautiful thing about the creative arts? With the same starting point, we will never get to the same point. Or, we might get to the same destination but our ways of getting there will be wildly different.
Absolutely! Very creative. Like cooking. Same recipe. Different chef and voila! Different dishes equally but uniquely delicious
I love that metaphor actually! Not to get too nerdy, but before Covid I tried to open my bakery. I called it "dimiourgo bakery". Dimiourgo is the Greek term for creating something from nothing or from what you have available. It is kind of related to Demiurge which is in ancient Greece the creator of the world. In any case, I liked the name because of what you said: same recipe or same ingredients but two people will totally produce different things.
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Bees are amazing, we have just 3 hives, but it is amazing to be around them and just observe. Every moove they do is with purpose. This year the kids were amazed to see how one bee fell in the honey, we took her out and immedietly 4-5 bees came to clean their sis from the honey. Since then they always save bees when they see them in the honey or in the water.
Lovely post, the net seems to work great.
Oh yay for your beehives! It is wonderful for the children. They learn a love and appreciation of the little bees as well as the process of pollination and honey.
all bee populations here have been dramatically reduced. i think it is because of all the radiation from telephone and internet networks interferes with their navigation but i have no proof of that.
Oh I'm sure there's proof but it would fall into the conspiracy theory category. I absolutely believe it. Seen it too many times. If only people would realize how essential those little bees are to the survival of man
very interisiting description
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