Me and my monkey friends πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

in WE ARE MOVING β€’ 4 years ago

Flowers at the local mosque(1).jpg

Monkeys are either quite cool or very much not cool at all! Today I met some cool ones. I went for a walk up the hill and met some monkeys. In Phuket I wouldn't say there are a lot of monkeys around everywhere but in certain places there can be loads. Thankfully they don't come into town like in other places I've lived such as India. It can really be unnerving to walk around with monkeys trying to steal your food and so on.


Rang Hill

In this place is the smallest amount of them. Apparently in the past there were some problems with the monkeys biting people and they were taken over to the next hill which has a quite large population of monkeys. As monkeys generally do what they want, some of them have made it back and generally stay in the feeding zone sometimes venture into the tourist area. Problem is for the monkeys is that there's no tourists. So the locals feed them. Normally I don't take many photos of monkeys or even get too close to them but this group was quite calm and rather uninterested in me so I felt comfortable.



Just chilling eat some bananas with the family



Here I really wondered if they were reading the signboard. Looks like they're waiting for their teacher to begin class.


A bit down the road his guy struck such a nice pose I just had to take his photo. He really couldn't look more at ease.

You can see that none of the monkeys are looking at me which I took as a sign of comfort. Many of them even turned their backs to me.


This little guy passed next to my feet and jumped in the tree to get a closer look at this strange creature walking past (me haha)


So the best thing about monkeys in Phuket is that they stay in nature and don't mess with humans. If you go to one hill they might steal any food you have. Otherwise they are so well fed they are quite relaxed.


Hope you enjoyed the content and if you did feel free to throw me some bananas 🍌 and upvote and reblog if that's your thing :) I always try to provide interesting and absolutely original content!
