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RE: Slithering Fish Stealers

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago

What about you, have you encountered water snakes before?

Many over the years. Mostly when I was fishing like you and your son.

Did you get scared to see them or did you learn to appreciate them from a distance?

It depended on where I was. If I was in a geographic area that wasn't known for venomous snakes, then I wasn't scared. Now the venomous ones, they didn't necessarily scare me as long as they were at a distance.

Let's not even get into constrictor snakes that hang around the water.


Yeah we don't usually have venomous snakes where we live and fish lol so I'm not overly worried about them. We also don't have constrictors but both of those would change my opinion pretty quick if they were here lol

Like most things, they will leave you alone if you leave them alone. I still dont like em' though.

Yeah I've tried to instill idea in my sons head. With so many animals if you don’t bother them they don’t want anything to do with you. Except bears and mountain lions lol fuck those, thankfully we’ve not encountered one of those knock on wood.

Yeah, bears and lion get a very wide birth. Like on the other side of the country. LOL