captured was this snake./ Capturada quedó está serpiente. [ENG-ESP]

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago (edited)

Hello my hivers friends, how are you doing? How was your weekend? Well, mine here has been a weekend of pure nature, among trees, a sea and a tropical sky and to close today a day of fright and extreme nature.

If true friends some things happen to me it is to laugh, enjoy and capture hahahahaha. My parents and acquaintances joke with me that now I look like a photographer if I take a picture of everything, hahahahaha.
I really want to capture almost everything I do to share because I love hive and I love being able to share experiences, adventures and stories with you.

¿Hola mis amigos hivers como les va?, Qué tal su fin de semana?, Bueno, el mío por aquí ha sido un fin de semana de naturaleza pura, entre árboles, un mar y un cielo tropical y para cerrar hoy un día de susto y naturaleza extrema.

Si amigos de verdad a mí me pasan unas cosas que es para reírse, disfrutar y capturar jajajajaja. Mis padres y conocidos me echan broma que ahora parezco fotógrafa que si tomo foto a todo, jajajajaja. Es que de verdad casi todo lo que hago lo quiero capturar para compartir porque ame hive y poder compartir vivencias, aventuras e historias con ustedes me encanta.




Getting into today's topic, I'll tell you that I was here in my beloved Caucagua, a place where I almost always spend my weekends, taking pictures of a sister from the church who was teaching a class, of the children, I took a picture of And, on the other side, there are some guys pulling the mountain and I take another shot of their work and I sit down to see my chats. I still didn't know that this post would come from here.

Entrando ya en el tema de hoy les cuento que me encontraba aquí en mi querida caucagua lugar donde hábito casi siempre mis fines de semana, tomando fotos a una hermana de la iglesia que estába dando una clase, a los niños, les hago una toma
Y , del otro lado están unos chicos jalando el monte y les hago otra toma de su trabajo y me siento ya a ver mis chats todavía no sabía que de aquí saldría este post.


Suddenly I hear those men shouting don't let her go and a girl a snake! A snake! Damn what?... If it was a snake, the man wounded it to death, I'm sorry I know it's a living being, but friends imagine that animal is a danger, if it bites someone it would be fatal.

De repente escucho a esos hombres gritando no la dejes ir y una muchacha una culebra!, Una culebra!. Diooosss miooo que?... Si era una culebra, el hombre la hirió hasta matarla, lo siento sé que es un ser vivo, pero amigos imagínense ese animal es un peligro, si pica a alguien seria mortal.


I was horrified, when they exposed her hanging and brought her closer to a more visible point, her skin was incredible just seeing her, my hair stood on end. The boys said that this was a "velvet macagua". Here where we live this place is called macaguita and is known for a place where many macagua snakes lived in its mountains and because of that they called it macaguita.

Yo quedé espeluznada, cuando la exponen guindada y la acercan a un punto más visible, su piel era increíble solo de verla, se me pararon los pelos. Los chicos dijeron que está era una "macagua terciopelo". Aquí donde habitamos este sitio se llama macaguita y es conocido por un lugar donde en sus montes habitaban muchas culebras macaguas y debido a eso lo llamaron macaguita.



The truth is that this was not a macaguita, it was a macagua lady, hahahahaha. The most incredible thing of all was that even when she was dead she kept wagging her tail and I told the boy, look, she's still alive, she's still alive, and he's not, mommy, she's already dead, only the active nerves continue.

Lo cierto que esto no era una macaguita, era una señora macagua, jajajajaja. Lo más increíble de todo que aún muerta seguía moviendo su cola y yo le decía al chico mira sigue viva, siga vive y el no mamita, ya esa está muerta solamente siguen los nervios activos.



Nearby people came to see the snake that measured approximately one and a half meters, the children were surprised by the animal and the neighbors a little scared, so much so that they agreed to continue nicknamed the Mountains to avoid nearby snakes.

Las personas cercanas se acercaron a ver la culebra que media aproximadamente un metro y medio, los niños estaban sorprendidos por el animal y los vecinos un poco asustados, tanto así que se pusieron de acuerdo para seguir apodando los Montes para evitar serpientes cercanas.




He couldn't let go of the boy who caught this viper and came out of it unscathed.

Impressive truth, friends without anything else to say, I say goodbye to you with this little post shared here my dear friends hivers, lovers of extreme nature and its animals.

A curious FACT is that the boys took the snake to show the owner of the land where they pulled the mountain and thus they would receive a better payment and reward for this capture.

I hope you liked my post today, I love you we keep seeing each other here, a hug. GOD bless you and keep you all every day, Amen.

Thank you very much for your support and contribution to me in each publication, I appreciate and value it very much.

No podía dejar ir al chico quien fue que atrapó a esta víbora y salió ileso de ella.

Impresionante verdad?, amigos sin más nada que decir, me despido de ustedes con este pequeño post aquí compartido mis queridos amigos hivers, amantes de la naturaleza sorprendente y sus animales.

Un DATO curioso es que los chicos se llevaron la serpiente para mostrarles al dueño del terreno donde ellos jalaban el monte y así ellos recibirían un mejor pago y recompensa por está captura.

Esperó les haya gustado mis post de hoy, los quiero nos seguimos viendo por aquí, un abrazo. DIOS les bendiga y les guarde cada día a todos, Amén.

Muchas gracias por su apoyo y aporte para conmigo en cada publicación lo aprecio y valoro muchísimo.

the photos were taken by me from my celulsr Redmi 9A. bye.

Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi persona desde mi celular Redmi 9A.



It is not the first post where I see that they kill a snake but it is due to ignorance! When this happens, the indicated thing is to transport it as far as possible from your home! killing her generates a bigger problem, do you know what it is? now who controls the plague of rats?

hello friend, the truth is I did not have this information and I think the boy who killed her would not have it either and acted in self-defense. Thank you for giving me your knowledge. regards.