I'm not into bugs. I appreciate their ecological purpose, I just appreciate it more when they're being ecologically purposeful somewhere else. I'm not into killing spiders, either, not my thing, I'm still haunted by the tarantula I murdered in South America. As I write this, there's a daddy long legs chillin in the corner of the living room, I can see it above the bedroom door now, see? Not sure how long he's been with us, at least a month but I'm not bothered. I'm glad he chose this joint to spin a web, spiders eat bugs.
My point is I know jack shit about'em other than they bug the shit outta me. I'm pretty sure there's not a bug in existence I'd hesitate applying foot pressure against if necessary and I'm 100% sure this is my first time writing about one. They sound so cool!
They're native to The South, drummer bugs. Locals claim they're immune to the drum-like nature echoing across town loud enough closed windows in a moving vehicle can't silence them, "I hardly hear'em anymore." Between April and June is the only time they're active. You know those little handheld drum things with two strings and balls attached to the end of the strings you twist back and forth? That's what it sounds like outside, millions and tens of millions and hundreds of millions of hand held drum ball instrument things in every direction.
I never heard one until a few weeks ago. One quiet morning on my way to the gym wasn't quiet anymore, they were just there and have since grown louder each day.
Periodical Cicadas they're called, drummer bugs they should've been called. Shitty life if you ask me. They live underground in nymph stage between 13 - 17 years—underdeveloped 95.5% of their life. Then between April and June in the northeastern United States only, they emerge from darkness where fellas take center stage. "Hey Ladies!!"
Those drums are their mating call. Seven weeks from the day they emerge they'll be dead. During that window is their only opportunity to find a partner and reproduce otherwise their entire existence was nonexistent. Explains the volume intensity in the air between now and June.
'Well hello beautiful! (ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ) I'm a (ɖʀʊʍ) Taurus ya dig? (ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ ɖʀʊʍ) I'm hypnotized by your bright red eyes and your wings are doin things I can't explain between my thighs Wanna Fuck?!'
That's how they roll. 13 - 17 years underground, emerge for less than two months toward the end of spring, find a mate, and 'mate' each other to death.
She'll then take her fertilized eggs to a predetermined tree with deep grooves and cracks in it she scoped out before allowing one of the fellas to scope her out. She doesn't have much time. She'll be flopping around on the ground somewhere in less than two hours. They do that their final 10 - 15 minutes until either morphing back into the earth or becoming bird food, whichever comes first. Hence she secures her nest before the fertilizer.
That's a long waiting period for two months of daylight and one piece of ass before you're six feet under which explains why they're so intense out there right now. 17 years underground and underdeveloped fantasizing about their one and only partner and less than two months to make it happen explains the loudest, finest tuned, echoes the most without a metronome ɖʀʊʍ ⓒirⓒle The South and Alabama ever heard.
Well thanks for that sad story to brighten up the day! 😅
I agree! And spiders, well... I do like them eating bugs, but I do not like them in my home. They are welcome to stick to my livingroom-, kitchen- and hallway ceilings, but that's where they should stay if they want to avoid the vacuum cleaner (or hubby).
Bees, on the other hand... Strangely, I have a few living in my garage keyhole and I need them to help my fruit! So that means when they are in there, being busy little bees, I'm weeding my weeds without gloves, because I refuse to put my key in that hole.
Great story about the bees.
Impressive. Thanks for inviting me to you me day 5, I'm headed over to Ouch next.How's it goin @pfshorts? Welcome to Hive! Tell all your friends but make sure they release four articles in their first four days like you did.
My wife's the same way, she'll handle spiders in specific locations but they get vacuumed regularly. Funny how it's spiders or snakes, one or the other. I don't care what kinda snake it is.. kissy snake, worlds friendliest snake, happy faced snake... they're all deadly to me!
Aah, I think we don't have many venomous snakes in the Netherlands, so I've never developed a fear for snakes. Although, I don't think we have any venomous spiders here... They're just creepy!
Thanks for the welcome, but I am secretly, not so secretly @playfulfoodie! Figured I'd make a different account for the 'Twitter'-like D.buzz posts. I don't like the idea of filling up my actual blog feed with those :-)
Well this is the most you've engaged with me playful foodie so maybe this short will stop by more often. 😉
Oh no! I'll try to be better. I think you sometimes get lost into my busy feed. This account's feed isn't as busy! 😃
Them bugs sure know how to make up for lost time underground with noisy appears by what you telling here, then screw themselves back into the six foot under for a long, long time...
I don't know anyone who could tell the story better, well done @dandays
!PIZZA no sweet potato mouth 😌
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That's so nice of you to say, thank you more than THIS.
Those drum things are not a kinda sorta. Not a drum type sound at all, they're an exact replica Joan—identical. They don't resemble those little drums they mimic them—so cool!
Here's another fun fact, they will not bang their drums until 7am. I've been paying attention the past few days, sun's out at 6 but not them. Then right at 7am, they get to beating on their drum and, by 7:30 (now), it's a percussion rhythm section out there.
I can't open the window wide enough. 💖
Fascinating little drummers, considerate too only starting at 7 am at least a little sleep before they start up for the day!
Most noisy critters over here start up at night 😁, short lived they obviously make the most of every moment, enjoy being serenaded....
I'm back. Sorry I didn't thank you for reblogging this, I didn't see it until I signed into peakd. I'm having technical blockchain difficultiesthe invisible reblog. this am I guess or at least that's what I'm hoping it is. I'd rather that than intentional. @dswigle just informed me a minute ago my comment to her was muted and now this,
Maybe it's just my account. Or maybe it's just me. Disappointing of someone muted my comment bit not as bad as not thanking you for reblogging this.
Thank you!
:)) You are fine. I just saw this - four days later. Talk about delayed reaciotn. Sorry!
Oh we all have those days..., yesterday I had problems with one way of signing in, tried another that worked but irritates me popping up and down all the time asking me if I want to do this or that! Only a pleasure TGIF 🤣
for you
I can always count on Eii's attention. Thank you.
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Another lol post from you @dandays - had me chortling away at the "drum drum wanna fuck" comment - love it!!!
Nice man I'm glad it worked! It was tough to interpret little drummer bugs pick up line but that's what he said and, well, I didn't wanna censor it.
Thank you!
Indeed censoring would have lost the mood!!!
We have Cicadas here too - they sure are rowdy little fuckers - wish they'd keep it down a little!!!
Nice! It wasn't until I did this article I learned there's more than 3,000 specie of cicada. There's five in this part of the US alone but that periodical cicada is indigenous to this area only. Interesting.
Do the cicadas in Venezuela sound like those little hand drums things too? They don't just resemble drums, they mimic the things, identical.
Another fun fact is they won't make a sound before 7am. The sun's out at 6 but not them. I'm paying attention now, they're silent until 7 beginning with just a few beating on the drums—alarm clock. And by 7:30 it's a percussion fest out there.
'That's a long waiting period for two months of daylight and one piece of ass'
Lol, I get the picture.
But imagine being that 'one and only' and she, just before 'banging-the-drum-time, having her period and/or a headache ...
No idea what you're talking about
Thank you.Nice to hear from you @smasssh, thanks for stopping by. Been awhile since I could say thanks for keeping an eye on me this whole time. I appreciate it man, I don't take it for granted.
Now if you'll excu me she's calli from other room n u know wtf happs if I don't respon immmed...
Thank you!
Thanks for keeping an eye on me @frankbacon, much appreciate the reblogs sir.
We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!
beautiful post. informative, nice photos! and their respective bibliographic references! we want to see more of this here! hugs!
Well thank'ya kindly! This is my first time posting in Amazing Nature but when I find little creatures as intriguing as the ones featured here, I'll be back. Nice place, by the way.
Thanks for having me.
Hi @dandays ,any woman would be happy to read this, she is the only thing ha ha ha, it is the dream of any woman, not to worry about a possible rival ha ha ha,
No rivals here, one male per female, the ladies can be as selective as they want. They waited 17 years, safe to say they earned it.
Thanks for checkin out this article, are you in Venezuela? I saw that pet adoption article you did. iheart dogs.
I was not born in VENEZUELA, but it is a beautiful country, I have visited it as well as some others due to my work circumstances
A hug and thanks for responding
Always. What kind of work?
Hi @dandays ,previously International business and now real estate
Good for you. Are a broker, agent, landlord? I have friends in that business, they seem to have done well in it.
Just hear them on vacation. None here at us
They're fascinating little creatures. I'm hoping you can hear them drumming now.
I can hear cicadas at my window right now! CHeeers Nice post!
Glad you liked it man, thank you! I just sent you a voice message where I'm recording the air outside, not sure it worked.
Drum drum drum drum drum
So funny I wanted to do the same thing!!!
What a life those insects have, waiting all that time, emerging from the darkness, getting laid just once, then dropping dead. Now that doesn't seem fair at all. So glad I'm not a cicadas, I'd be pissed.
Great news about Pura, you both must be relieved. Good for her.
Thank you for your prayers. 🙌 Yes, we've received negative results for cancer on both the MRI and CT. Doc needs that precursor result which can take up to seven weeks to know which direction he's going to take to treat her. 1 more farm mom... 1 more. We keep dodging bullets, is it crazy or what the things we've been getting ourselves out of?
But at least we ain't cicadas!! Hip! Hip!
Hi @dandays, I love lady bugs and butterflies but am not into bugs very much at all. Generally I can't kill any except cockroaches and flies and even then I feel bad. Regards Angie
Hi @angiemitchell, I'm not sure we've met. I'm @dandays - The Luckiest Guy I Know. Pleasure's mine.
I don't look for bugs to kill, won't even kill a cockroach.. not that I like'em or anything I'm just if they're not bothering me I won't bother them. That said.. I'm not a big fan of bugs.
These cicadas though, so neat. It's a percussion section out there right now.
They are some ugly looking bugs, but I guess most bugs ain't too pretty.
This time of year we have May Flies, they bit like crazy and leave a welt that itches like a bad case of jock rash. Like your bugs, they only last thru may and then poof they're gone.
I've never seen them copulate, but with thousands around they must be getting it on in privacy.
I figured I'd use copulate instead of that other word, the last thing I want to hear this morning is my lovely wife beating her drum about using that other word.
It's great to see you up and posting again.
Have a great day, and remember to march to the beat of your own drummer, fuck that beat made by your bug.
Ha! Classic Sweed. I'm learning more and more of our surroundings from other authors, yourself included. Seems between April and June is when the atmosphere gets down. Did you see this ugly ass bee Bulldog-Joy featured the other day? Fascinating!
All this is new to me because I'm from... sh!! Secret! "California." Where I come from we don't have seasonal bugs, I guess they don't like sunshine and bikinis.
As far as posting. In the midst of everything I can't corral inside my mind, Bob, this actually helps. Seems the more I can keep your attention, the more I don't spin outta control. Thanks for noticing man, ya'all have a great weekend.
Good morning my friend. Anything that can help to distract you and keep your mind somewhat at ease is a good thing.
New Jersey also gets a bad rap, which is somewhat understandable, but it was also a great place to raise a family. We stayed there for over sixty years, so it couldn't been as bad as people depicted, especially the ones that never lived there, go figure.
Have a relaxing and carefree weekend, if that is possible. Say hello to Pura for us.
Bugs the shit outta me to miss up voting an interesting post like this.
But problem solved. Tip sent. Now I can go back to beating my
DRUMHead against the wall...Fuuuuuuu.... k Meeeeeeee... Runnin...
L to the O to the L. Dude your comments are classic.
Thanks a lot for the tip, did you mean to repeat repeat the send the send?
They're nearing their end. Much quieter.. late start.. early outs.. nearing their end.
Once? Hardly seems fair after waiting all that time. So, the perfect mate, or. any old one will do?
If that were me, I'd be going out with a bang!
I don't know how they decide, probably like a puzzle, each fit is unique. Probably. I hear Ya about goin out with a bang, what good's a puzzle when all you get is one piece?
😂 you really have a way of adding character to everything!!! Even the drummer bugs. 🐜
Ps. Hope your week was ok?
I have no idea what you're talking about
(drum) 'Hey, hey...' (drum)(drum)(drum) 'Come here often?'
💖 I'm glad you think so Zoed, thank you. And thanks for keeping an eye on me. And congrats on the pinmapple attention from your sisterly trek.
We got the MRI results and we're cancer negative still. Two outta three, two down one to go. The third "can take several weeks to receive the results." Never thought I'd say this but thank God it's only chronic pancreatitis still.
Thank you.
Ok half way there!!! Still sending up prayers for it to turn around.
It's ALL a LIE...!!! Cicadas don't spend most of their lives underground... they bury facsimiles of themselves when no one is looking, then party all night in the tree tops -- a proven fact... (https://buggyfacts.com/cicadas/sneaky-ways-of)
Whatever it is that's got you thinkin you can see through the ground, don't tell anyone! They'll have you committed. Except for me of course, what's it called and where can I get it?
nice :)

I saw that cat the other day, they named it Moby.
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