About The Plant "Morning Glory" | Have You Seen It Before?

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago

The flower 🌺 by name "Morning glory" is among the popular flowers found in in places where there's more of rainfall, no snow and more of wet seasons than dry.
To talk more on that, I would say that this very flower is mostly found in continents with more of rainforests, like those of Africa, South America and southern part of Asia (India, Philippines, etc).

Original picture by me

Morning glory is a runner type of plant ☘️ and blooms only on wet seasons. It dries up during the dry season leaving lost of seeds scattered in the field.
Most of the parent plants do not survive more than a year while the seeds germinate on first sight of the rain.

It is mostly seen as a weed i.e it usually grows in an uncontrollable manner.
The leaves have shown over the years, a good source of food for ruminant animals like rabbit, while the flower is mostly eaten by insects.

There are varieties of this plant which could be identified by the colour of the flower.
Colour identification are;

  • Pink
  • Indigo
  • White
  • Other genetically modified

Morning glory is not just a plant that is considered as a weed growing both in the gardens and forest, but a source of food for livestock animals, food for insects and could be used for decoration by kids.

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Food for people as well! Stir-fried morning glory with chilies is one of Thailand's most popular dishes. People are always out collecting it from the canals and ponds. Free food!

Waw. This is good to know. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention

We grow morning glory here, East Coast US.
It is a cornflower blue colour.